With the
holiday season here, many of you probably want to get a gift card for either
your friends or relatives. This is pretty simple seeing that it shows your care
and whoever receives it can buy whatever they want with it. A popular gift card
that many people have trouble finding online are gas gift cards. While they are
online, you have to know the right places to search before you actually find
Gas gift
cards are online - Yes, if you're looking to purchase gasoline with a gift
card, I can tell you that they are online. As of 2008, only a few major
gasoline companies allow you actually purchase them directly via the Internet.
Gas stations like Chevron and Shell are only a few that I know of off the top
of my head that actually offer them.
You will
find that there are only a select few. The best way to see if the gas station
you're looking for Is offering a gift card is simply by viewing their website.
On the website, either do a direct search or look for a link. 99% of the time,
you will find it this way. If not, you may have to resort to calling customer
them offline - You may find that you need to actually leave your house and go
out and buy them. If this is the case, I would recommend you go to the gas
station directly and purchase them there. Sometimes, you may find that if you
purchase $50 worth of gift cards, you could save $2 or so. This makes it great
for you. If the gas station you're looking for isn't in your area because
you're sending it a few hundred miles away, you may want to either change your
plan or see if they can arrange some alternatives. The worst case scenario is
that you'll have to get a prepaid based credit card.