Here is a
common question, appearing in many formats. One version runs as follows: I see
Amazon gift cards on eBay right now that are selling for more than the value of
the card. Why is this? l don't get it. If I go to the Amazon web site, I pay
the card's face value to buy a gift card. If I go to Wal-Mart, I pay ten
dollars for a ten dollar card, so I don't understand why people will pay a
premium on eBay, and buy the same card for over its value?
This has me
stumped. I know of people donating their gift cards for disadvantaged kids, and
I know of people buying their gift cards on the cheap from the second-hand
market. (The websites Plastic Jungle, ABC Gift Cards and CardCash, among
others, spring to mind.) But for people to pay out more than the value of the
gift card? Hey, we can really make it big! We can sell our $20 gift cards for
$25, then buy a $25 one and sell for $30 and before you know it, we will be looking
into some nice beachfront property. Something tells me this ain't for real...