beware! Some of these have various expiration dates. To avoid wasted money,
check a store or company's expiration policies. Ones that expire in a few
months or a year may not be the best one to purchase. Should the recipient
misplace the card and later find it, or decide to use it towards a larger gift
while saving for a purchase, they just may be surprised to find the that this
item has lost some or even all of its value.
This is
certainly a characteristic I doubt any gift giver or recipient would want in a
gift certificate or card. Many stores and companies issue cards that do
not expire. In the best circumstances, this is the best possible item to
purchase as a gift. Thousands of buyers dollars have been lost as a result of
expiration dates. This also adds to the profits of the companies issuing these
cards that have short expiration dates. Making a profit this way seems to
be a bit unethical.