Did you
know that people sell unused gift cards on Craigslist? They do. In most cases,
these sellers received them as a gift, but it is for a store or a restaurant
they don't shop at. Basically, if they didn't sell the gift card, it would go
to waste. The best part is that most people offer a discount. For example, I
found a Dunkin Donuts gift certificate with a $20 value being sold for $10. The
seller claims he doesn't like Dunkin Donuts and doesn't have a car anyways to
drive to the nearest location. Because of this, the buyer would get $10 free.
How neat does that sound?
What is
also neat is that you can use these gift cards different ways. First, if you
have a gift certificate for a retail store, you can use the gift card yourself
to go and buy Christmas gifts. Or, you can give the gift card as a Christmas
gift. If the gift card you buy from Craigslist has a person's name written on
the actual card, contact the store in question to see if you can do an
exchange. Basically, you use the gift card to buy another; most stores will
allow you to do this.